Sunday, July 15, 2007

"So we still feelin' pretty good about this, uh, 32-piece set, here?"

Old Stuff...

I have no tolerance for name-droppers, but that doesn't mean I have the self-control to not become one myself. The key is to be blase about it...act like this stuff happens all the time:
So I went with my cousin down to San Marcos to see the Ace in the Hole band (usually plays with George Strait), and the accompanying swarm of musicians--including my cousin, but certainly not myself--that rotate on and off stage all night. It was a good time, and none other than Uncle Rico was in the house. His real name is Jon Gries, and he's a pretty prolific actor...even if people mostly only recognize him from Napoleon Dynamite. For those of you born in the right decade, you'll know him as Laslo, from the movie Real Genius. Anyways, that was my brush with a celebrity for the week.

That brings my celebrity-sightings-consecutive-week total to 1, which exceeds my previous record set back in B.F, New Mexico.

I talked to him for all of two minutes. (Did you know he's a vegetarian, and all the steak he had to eat in the movie was immediately spat out once the camera was off?) Then he started ogling the college girls with the rest of us, went out back to get high with the fiddle player, and started getting introduced to everyone on stage. Later he got up on stage and sang, then said some quote from the movie. I don't think many people realized who he was, because a room full of college students should be going crazy..."UNCLE RICO?!?!" But pandemonium was at an absolute low.

Nonetheless, it was a good time. Them hill country women just know how to dance. Good times.

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